Innovative Healing through Personalized Clinical Care
About Lakeside...
Marsha Arend founded Lakeside Foot and Wound in 2018 to bring wound care and comprehensive medical-grade foot care to central Vermont and eastern New York communities and residential facilities that were finding it difficult to obtain these services.
Through referrals and requested consultations by doctors and also from direct requests from patients and their families, the medical services offered by Lakeside have grown to serve multiple locations throughout the region.
Lakeside Foot and Wound now offers services in multiple clinical settings for wound follow-up and therapeutic foot care. Most recently, we have expanded our healing care services to include chronic and acute pain management using Photobiomodulation or Cold Laser Therapy which can offer relief in a wide range of arthritic, degenerative, and inflammatory conditions
We are excited to be able to expand our reach as our word-of-mouth referrals continue to grow throughout Vermont and eastern New York!

What is PBM or Cold Laser?
Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy, also known as Cold Laser is used in thousands of clinics around the world today. PBM therapy is the application of red and near-infrared light to diseased or injured tissues to:
reduce inflammation,
promote regeneration, and
enhance immune resilience.
PBM triggers photochemical changes in the body in the same way photosynthesis affects plants, or sunlight affects vitamin D synthesis.
Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a noninvasive, FDA cleared, medical technology. PBM has been used by over 100 million patients without any documented side effects.
Are you unwilling or unable to undergo surgery or another invasive procedure to restore mobility and control pain? PBM Therapy may be the noninvasive answer you are seeking.
Ask us how a short treatment series can significantly improve quality of life without the pain and rehabilitation that follows surgery or other invasive treatments.
We are now offering access to this amazing technology and would be happy to evaluate how PBM can benefit you.

The Lakeside Mission
Our mission is to provide the best possible wound care, foot care, and medical training to improve access to compassionate, affordable care throughout Vermont and beyond.
We believe it is important to empower, respect, and challenge our patients to promote their personal health and their own physical independence to maximize quality of life for themselves and for their families.
We believe empowerment comes from shared knowledge and thoughtful decision-making that comes from a mutually respectful relationship between patient and medical professional.